Oct 14, 2005

Crystal Reports with Visual Studio .NET 2003

When you start playing with Crystal Reports in VS, it pops up annoying dialog asking to register.
Bad news: you have to do it, otherwise you won't be able to deploy the application using these reports, google for KeycodeV2.dll.
Good news: registration is free.
As for deployment there is another gotcha: by reading documentation you might think that you can change report data source by using
. It didn't work for me, what did work is setting datasource on each table in the report:

CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo tliCurrent = null;
foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table tbCurrent in reportDocument.Database.Tables)
tliCurrent = tbCurrent.LogOnInfo;
tliCurrent.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "SERVERNAME";
tliCurrent.ConnectionInfo.UserID = "USERID";
tliCurrent.ConnectionInfo.Password = "PASSWORD";
tliCurrent.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "Northwind";

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